Umbrella Stands

Umbrella Stands

Umbrella stands are the ideal accompaniment to a coat rack or shoe cupboard. With the unpredictability of the Great British weather, an umbrella is a must for showery days and torrential downpours. Umbrella storage is also great for drying out umbrellas rather than having them hanging around your doorway dripping onto carpet or flooring. Keeping them in a handy place beside the door or near a coat rack also reminds you to grab one before you head out into the elements.

Practical Storage

Umbrellas seem to be the one thing that people always forget when they leave the house. They are also often left on the bus, in the office etc, so having a storage solution that is pride of place helps jog your memory. Umbrella stands come in a range of sizes but generally offer compact storage so you can easily fit the stand near entrances, in porches or tucked easily into cupboards with coats and shoes. Some umbrella stands also offer handy extras such as trays at the bottom so excess water can easily be removed without dripping.

Matching with Your Interiors

As with many household accessories, pairing your umbrella stand with your interior themes helps to blend them perfectly with the surroundings. There is a range of colors, styles and sizes whether your property is contemporary or traditional. For modern homes, choose from quirky umbrella stands to add an element of individuality or opt for muted tones and traditional colors such as black and tan to match with other furniture or wall colors.

Design and Style

The choice in umbrella stands offers something for everyone. From original styles including wicker baskets, metal stands and wooden boxes to unique design including funky print, ceramic tubs and plastic stands, there is plenty of options to suit a range of tastes.