Railroad Ties

Railway Sleepers

A modern garden design staple, railway sleepers are hugely versatile. Whether produced from hardwood or softwood, reclaimed from actual railways or made from scratch, these heavy-duty timbers look great in our gardens. The rise of the vintage trend in recent years has seen gardeners embrace the rustic, reclaimed look. The most ethical railway sleepers are either reclaimed locally or carry FSC certification. This means the timber has been sourced from well-managed forests around the world and has not harmed any sensitive environments like our rainforests.

Treated Timber

Sleepers may be treated to protect them from the effects of wind, rain and snow. Harsh weather can lead to decay, as well as fungal rot. Pressure-treated timber is often also referred to as tanalised timber. Sleepers undergo high-pressure environments whilst being treated with special preservatives. The pressure means the treatment fully penetrates the timber for enhanced protection.

Green or eco treatments are popular, especially if you have children or pets who use your garden. These treatments are non-toxic and safe to use as garden furniture or near fruit and vegetables you are growing.

Uses in Your Garden

Railway sleepers are popular in contemporary garden landscaping and can be used to create no end of beautiful features. Build rustic planters for your shrubs and plants using affordable offcuts. Take longer lengths of timber and use them to construct raised beds for growing vegetables and salad. Sleepers can also be used to make eye-catching borders for your flowerbeds.

Railway sleepers' sturdy nature means they can be used as part of your garden layout, to create layered areas along with paths, steps and decking. This multi-height garden design adds real depth and interest to your garden. Or why not use your railway sleepers to build your garden furniture? From benches to picnic tables, this hard-wearing timber will produce furniture to withstand the weather for years to come.