Key Blanks for Mazda 6

Mazda 6 Key Blanks

The Mazda 6 is a mid-size family car that incorporates some luxury features. The keyless entry remote system of this series is very convenient, and most models even have remote key fob entry and push-button start features for the driver’s convenience. Unfortunately, you sometimes need a replacement key, which is when you’ll need to purchase Mazda 6 key blanks.

Do some of these key blanks include keyless entry?

Most versions of the Mazda 6 include a keyless entry system with push-button start. In fact, since model year 2013 of the Mazda 6, Mazda has made an Advanced Keyless Entry System available to customers. This system uses transponder technology to allow you to lock and unlock the doors on your Mazda car as long as you have the remote key fob on your person.

The fob itself is designed to either be attached to your key blanks or to have a remote-like design. For those that like a standard key setup as well as a key-less entry remote system, Mazda offers these as well. In any situation, the remote key fob options for this car provide several methods of entry.

How does a transponder key fob for this Mazda work?

Not only does this kind of key fob provide you with an external locking and unlocking system that lets you touch a request switch in order to access your car, but it also provides an extra layer of security as well.

These systems utilize an electromagnetic field of energy that is emitted from the induction coil in the ignition system. If the Mazda 6 key fob is within the range of the field, it will emit a return signal, which will allow the car to be driven. Without the key fob, the Mazda won’t start.

Are electronic key blanks for your Mazda 6 waterproof?

Key blanks that use an electronic keyless remote system are not waterproof. While there may be a degree of water resistance, too much water may cause your Mazda electronic key blanks with remote access to malfunction. With this in mind, if you’re going to be in the water, you can protect your key fob with a dedicated waterproof case.

What kind of button setup is on the key blanks?

Usually, on key blanks from Mazda, you’ll find a button to lock the doors, a button to unlock them, a button that you’ll have to hold to pop the trunk, and an emergency alarm button. Each button on the remote is easy to press but is also difficult to accidentally activate when the remote key fob for your Mazda is in a pocket.

Are aftermarket key blanks as good as OEM?

Aftermarket remote products definitely provide a similar experience to the remote systems that are OEM for the Mazda 6. In fact, some Mazda 6 aftermarket fob models even have features like transponder fob functionality, remote starting, and some can even simplify the fob experience by just reducing the number of keys you can press on the fob of your Mazda 6. The functionality will vary from key fob to key fob.