Tiradores de las puertas para GMC Yukon

Car and Truck Exterior Door Handles for GMC Yukon

GMC introduced the Yukon in 1992. Since then, the Yukon vehicle has seen many changes in interior door design. Though these vehicles have passed the same fundamental parts from year to year, items like door-handles have seen extensive changes.

How have door-handle designs changed since 1992?

The exterior door parts for the GMC Yukon have changed many times since the first Yukon models of 1992 along with door designs. The original Yukon vehicle had standard lever-style handles with key lock access included. Since that time, those lever-style handles changed on Yukon vehicles to include handles without locks, LED-equipped handles, and pull-up styles.

Are exterior door handles on all models the same?

No. Each exterior door is designed differently from the other exterior doors on the same car. Though the exterior door-handle part appears the same with car doors on either side, the interior working parts of each handle are different. You cannot replace a door-handle on the left of the Yukon with that from a door on the right side. On a four-door Yukon, you cannot substitute a handle designed for one of the back doors for the front door. These exterior car door parts are not interchangeable any more than the exterior door panels are interchangeable. The door mechanism inside the panels is different for each door. Thus, the need to change out damaged door-handles with parts designated for each door.

Is the handle for the rear door interchangeable?

There have been years since 1992 where the rear-door handle moved from model to model. The industry does not consider the exterior rear door handle to be a regular door handle. They refer to this exterior handle as a tailgate latch. However, these latch/handles also changed over time. Some latches house the door locks, and some do not have locks. LEDs light some handles. When you replace these handle/latch mechanisms, use parts made for each year model.

Do door handles come in different colors on the Yukon?

Yes. Your car may come with flashy chrome or black handles on the doors. The car may also come with door handles painted to match the body color. There is an issue with body paint fading due to environmental exposure over time. So, if you are changing a door handle on an older model Yukon, consider changing all the door handles to chrome or black for the same year model. Doing so will enhance the continuity of your car door appearance while retaining car access.

When should a door handle be replaced on a Yukon?

Wear and tear and environmental deterioration are the main reasons you need to change door handles on a Yukon. Any scratch can lead to rust. Rust can lead to door deterioration, which may cause door malfunction. You might consider the following two points when deciding whether to change your door handle:

  • Safety: The common reason for replacing a door-handle on a Yukon is structural damage. Doors are a weak point on the body of any vehicle. Bent, cracked, or completely broken door-handles need replacing before you get back on the road.
  • Style: Another reason for changing door-handles is personal aesthetics. If you want to personalize your car, the doors are a good place to start.