Car & Truck Key Blanks for Jeep

Jeep Key Blanks

If you require a replacement or spare key for your Jeep, you will need a blank. Learning more about the key blanks available will make it simple for you to get what you need. You can also find plenty of options that provide additional features.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is a key that doesnt have teeth cut into the metal of the blade. Instead, it is blank on both sides. There are various shapes of keys, allowing it to fit into different types of ignitions. Once you get a key for your Jeep, you can then have it cut.

How is a key cut?

A key-cutting machine is used to cut blanks. This is often done by taking the key blanks to a locksmith or dealership. if you already have a key, they will be able to use it as the template to determine where the teeth must be cut. Otherwise, your Jeep’s ignition cylinder might have to be removed to use as a template. Additionally, the metal is buffed so that there are no sharp edges. Once the key is cut, it can then be used in your Jeep’s ignition as well as in the locks on the doors, as long as it is the same key design.

What are some of the features of key blanks?

There are various features available in key blanks for your Jeep. Some features are for aesthetics while others will provide convenience.

  • Colorful keys
  • Retractable design
  • Keyless entry fob
What is a keyless entry fob?

A keyless entry fob is a remote that will allow you to access the keyless entry system you have in your Jeep. The fob may be built into the key or be a separate remote. It has a transponder inside that will communicate with the receiving unit inside your vehicle. The communication is done with short-wave radio frequencies. If you get a fob with your key blank, it will need to be programmed to your Jeep before it can be used. Additionally, you have to be sure that you already have a receiving unit in your vehicle so that the feature can be used.

What does a set include?

When youre buying key blanks for your Jeep, you may find sets. These provide convenience to ensure you have all the parts needed. While sets vary, many include similar items.

  • Ignition lock cylinder
  • Two key blanks
  • Installation instructions