Filtros de lente de cámara UV Circular 95mm

What You Need to Know When Selecting 95mm Circular UV Camera Lens Filters

Finding the right filters for your lenses can help when you're taking outdoor photographs. When selecting a UV filter, you have many different types of materials and designs to choose from. Here are some questions that may come up when you're searching for 95mm circular UV camera lens filters.

What is a UV filter for your camera?

A UV filter is designed to block a specific amount of UV light for use in outdoor photography. By controlling the amount of UV light, the lens can control the amount of sharpness in the photo. Filters are also used to protect the lens from scratches as well.

How do you select a UV filter?
  • Choose a camera type. The filters for DSLR and manual may vary on the style.
  • Select a brand. You can choose from a variety of brand options that are compatible with a certain brand of lens. Unbranded filters are also available as well.
  • Choose a size. The filters will be listed in mm increments. Select a size that is the same as the lens that it will be used on.
  • Choose a shape. The two main types of filter shapes will be circular or square depending on the shape of the lens opening.
What is the difference between screw-on and front filters?

Screw-on filters are attached to your lens with thread like a screw. This type can fit on a variety of diameters by using a step-up thread adapter to fit a larger filter onto a smaller thread. Front filters, on the other hand, are slid into a holder that is attached to the front of the lens. This system allows you to use a single size of filter on a variety of lens sizes.

What types of lens filters are available?
  • Clear: This type of filter is designed to be a protective covering for a lens.
  • Polarizing: This type of filter comes in two types: circular and linear. Circular polarizing filters are used for SLRs with auto focus while linear filters are used with manual lens types. This filter is designed to remove the glare from non-metallic surfaces.
  • Neutral density: This filter is neutral gray and is designed to reduce the amount of light that passes through the lens. This type is used to allow you to shoot at a slower shutter speed without overexposure.
  • Color correction: There are two main types of color correction filters consisting of orange and blue. The orange type is used to provide warmer colors to photos, whereas blue filters provide cooler colors.
  • Graduated: This type of filter is colored on only a portion of the lens. Generally, half of the filter is clear while the other half is colored. The transitions on the filter can be either soft or hard.